Empathy Circle Facilitator Training

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Empathy Circle Facilitation Training!

Saturday May 18 and Sunday May 19 , 2024

At The Empathy Center1964 Las Canoas Rd, Santa Barbara CA

Become an Empathy Circle Facilitator & Learn To: 

Empathy Circles are the Empathy Centers foundational practice where we take turns speaking and practicing reflective listening in small groups. In this training you will learn how to facilitate this practice and be able to host and facilitate empathy circles at the center or in your own community and life. 

May 18 & 19th 2024

Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm PT each day 

Location: The Empathy Center at 

COST: This training is FREE to attend. We do invite you to to contribute back to the community after you have attended the training. This can be through financial contributions or in several other ways that help us continue and expand our mission of fostering a more empathic culture through education, awareness and community building initiatives, in order to bridge divides and create a more caring, creative and innovative society for all. 

Prerequisite:  Participation in TWO or more Empathy Circles

We hold Empathy Circles at the Empathy Center nearly every Sunday from 11-12:30 and online every Thursday at 6:00pm-7:30pm. We would love for you to join us for circles leading up to the training. You can find additional online empathy circles here.

Once we receive your application, we will be in touch to confirm your attendance and to share further logistical details for the training.

If you are coming from out of town and interested in staying at the Empathy Center, please contact us to see if there is still space available (email Edwin at edwinrutsch@gmail.com

What People are saying about this training:
"I really enjoyed the empathy circle process because I listen to people in a way that is so much harder to do outside of this process. It gives me the opportunity to practice what I do want to put into my real life and my personal relationships and everything else. Just the beauty of it. "

Evan Magor

I think we all have post traumatic stress right now from the way the dialogue has been going. This is kind of an elixir to slow down, and be present, and get to know what is going on behind it all. And that is very much needed right now. So I hope more of us do it. "
Rick Feltington

"I want to say thank you, I found this to be extremely productive, inclusive and wonderful. I really really enjoyed this and want to be part of as many of these as I can."
Art Burns

I really like a lot that having the container for someone who can speak and be heard and reflected, it brings a lot safety where my body can relax and be present. I appreciate that.
Yuko Goto

What I appreciated about this process, I saw people really listening to each other, even thought they might have had a different viewpoint.

― Susan Campbell